Friday 16 March 2012


Suppose it's probably time I used this again. Downloads of some of my stuff are now available on the side panel. All previous download links posted on here probably/definitely won't work but you're not missing out on much.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Saturday 4 September 2010


I've started doing stuff in 3D in OpenGL. So far I just have some white blocks on a green plane but it pleased me to know I can draw simple geometry in OpenGL fairly easily. I've also written a first person camera system that allows me to navigate the scene, although I've yet to implement collisions or any other game-useful features. They'll be coming soon though.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

I made a little shmup prototype

Arrow keys move the player square, hold A to fire. It's currently very basic and will be expanded upon greatly in the coming weeks.

Tuesday 20 July 2010


I completely rewrote the main generation stuff in my map generator to use the diamond-square algorithm rather than more basic two colour fractal noise. It makes much more random, much nicer looking stuff but it's more difficult to control. Height values for each pixel also made adding rivers really easy. Everything could do with some tweaking though, as usual, and I'm not entirely satisfied with the rivers yet. Download it here: